One of our most outstanding products, successfully sold and eminently valued by our customers, is he cocoa of the brand HINTZ. One cocoa is not like the other. Our product originates to 100% from Westafrica which is a feature of premium-quality. The whole production process beginning with the harvest through to the distribution guarantees a consistent quality. On the links below you find all informations about the flavours, ingredients and nutritions.

Cocoa Powder

In packets and tins

We guarantee our customers the quality they demand: only cocoa powder of premium quality is selected for the brand name HINTZ. Our cocoa powder is not just ideal for making biscuits, ice cream and desserts. It is also - dissolved in hot milk - a delicious chocolate beverage. Our quality is internationally acclaimed as evidenced by numerous Gold and Grand Gold medals awarded to us by Monde Selection. Ingredients: 100% unsweetened pure cocoa powder, 10-12% fat.


In Paketen und Dosen

Unser hochwertiges und international ausgezeichnetes Kakaopulver besticht durch seinen aromatisch-schokoladigen Geschmack. Ideal auch zum Backen und für Süßspeisen, köstlich auch in heisser Milch. Zutaten: 100% Kakaopulver, ungesüßt, 10-12% Fettgehalt.

Cocoa en poudre

En paquets et en boîtes

Nous vous proposons notre Cacao en poudre de la plus grande qualité en paquets et en boîtes. Savourez chaque jour notre cacao en poudre solublé au lait chaud. Ingrédients: Cacao maigre, beurre de cacao 10-12%.


Download the complete product-catalogue, the single catalogue-sheet for the product and HINTZ product pictures:

Catalogue sheet Fine Dark Cocoa Powder

Product Pictures - 454g

Product Pictures - 227g

Product Pictures - 125g

Product Pictures - 100g

Product Pictures - 200g

Our complete product catalogue

Here you can download our complete product catalogue as PDF-File.